Polk County Sheriff Barb Erdman will retire from the helm of the Sheriff's Department after serving the residents of Polk County for 31 years.
There will be a celebration of Barb's retirement held on Friday, January 4th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Polk County Sheriff's Office Community Room,...
The Winger Lion's hosted their annual Breakfast With Santa last Saturday, December 8th. Each year the club welcomes Santa to Winger as well as local families with a pancake breakfast before a visit with Santa.
After 27 years, Sheree Breckel will celebrate her retirement from First National Bank in McIntosh.
Sheree and her husband, Mike moved to McIntosh from Barney, North Dakota in 1989 for a job Mike had taken at the Tri-Coop Association (Rosebud) in Fosston.
Sheree first started working for Dick Holen...
East Polk County Quilts of Valor was able to present David Hagen of McIntosh with a Quilt of Valor in a home presentation with his family by his side. Pictured is David and his wife Judy. He was presented his quilt on November 18, 2018. David volunteered for the draft in February 1957. The...
Diane Boucher has been making lefse for her King Town Christmas Open Houses for quite a while. It is a big hit and she gets many visitors who can't wait to try a piece of her lefse.
This fall, Diane held a Community Education class at Win-E-Mac School to share her lefse makine skills and give class...
The McIntosh Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Our Savior's Lutheran Church on Wednesday, November 21st. The Service will begin at 7:30pm.
Please come early for Adult and Children's Choir rehearsals at 7:00pm.
The Offering will go to Northland Rescue Mission in Grand Forks. Food...
Each year the East Polk County Chapter of Quilts of Valor donates handmade quilts to our local Veterans. The group meets on one occasion to cut fabric for the quilts and another time to sew together the quilts and prepare them to be quilted.
Quilts of Valor Foundation was created by Catherine...
On Sunday, October 28th, the Student Council sponsored the Win-E-Mac School Halloween Party.
ECFE held their Teddy Bear BAnk event at teh Win-E-Mac Events Center on October 22nd. Many activities kept the kids entertained.
1. Name, background—present job and office you are seeking? I’m Travis Kolden and am running for reelection to the Win-E-Mac school board. I’m a 2002 graduate of Win-E-Mac High School and a 2006 graduate of the University of North Dakota. After college I spent eight years in the United States Air...